Monday, 18 July 2011


I'm fascinated by this figure - Dungeness B is cooled by heating 100 million litres of sea water per hour by 12 degrees C. Is this why the sea is quite warm at Winkelsea beach? 100,000,000 litres is 100,000 cubic metres per hour (and tonnes) or nearly one cubic kilometre a year. The volume of the channel is probably about 9600 cubic kilometres. Ok - probably not.

But the sea has seemed cooler in the last couple of years. Last year was particularly unhot. Dungeness A is dead and B is mostly closed for repair until further notice. I see a connection.

My father used to tell a story about some part that his company had to reinstall a hundred times at Dungeness A. If that weren't bad enough, B has only been operating for half its life. Had we a decent level of phone hacking in the 60s this outrage would never have occurred!?

Both A and B now serve their most useful purpose in my view - protecting the coast from Pett level to Dungeness. They can't let it go while the Geiger counter is still buzzing.

Dungeness Power Station (in the distance)

More framing
Its raining hard and I need to put a lid on.

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