Monday, 18 January 2010


1. Because I am fed up with the old bungalow which is made of 2b2, asbestos cement and corrugated iron. The new bungalow will be snug and have sea views.

2. I'm 51 and I need a challenge.

3. I like doing this sort of thing.

4. What else am I going to leave behind me which is permanent (subject to sea level rise)?

5. Tax avoidance (not evasion!).

6. I'm hoping to create asset value (subject to sea level rise).

7. Why blog it? - so that if I fail, I can provide maximum enjoyment to my friends!


  1. Sounds great. Go, Simon go!
    Btw, is the picture on the top right the old or the new bungalow?

  2. of course the Germans are noted for their sense of humour !

  3. Why do you need to justify it? If you want to do it, do it! Good luck though. I've just been reading about the area where you have this cottage in a book about the life of Henry James. He, of course, used building as a metaphor for creating good fiction. So maybe you have a novel in you Simon.

  4. No justification needed!

    What are you going to build it out of?

  5. Think the name is the best bit (so far - I'm sure there's even better to come!)

  6. Thank you Kateonyates for reminding me that I can go into Henry James garden on my National Trust membership, when it all gets too much. As I spent half the night awake thinking about drains, that time may be close. The Cherry Orchard was on the 3rd programme this week but I missed it - another metaphor in relation to gardens. I probably have the only building site in the country belting out Matthew Passion! Complaint from neighbours imminent. Is rather incongruous listening to that ancient plucker John Williams while taking a long-handed mallet to a pile of concrete.

  7. Your blog is blacklisted by Surrey SE Grid for Learning - be honoured, be proud. I would have thought SE Surrey could learn a lot from you oh Master Builder [since you seem to have a sprinkling of cultural reference]
    Keep at it....

  8. I'm rivetted, but I don't suppose you'll have any of those in your build.
