Wednesday, 20 November 2013


Decided that all forms of tongue and groove, laminate, plastic and immensely posh floors should be confined to bankers and footballers. Have therefore laid ordinary boards down over the floating floor to make it appear like a suspended floor. I've screwed them down and plugged them. It works and its back-breakingly cheap. Probably finish with polish. No stilettos though. Just the kitchen to go, and alot of doors.

Have changed from 3/4 building and 1/4 surveying to vice versa. It feels good to be making money rather than spending it. Have found that obtaining a new-build VAT rebate from HMG is a Catch 22 that even Joseph Heller would be proud of. If there's anybody out there onshore, you owe me.

I won't tell you how many starlings have been trapped in our log burner else someone might get upset.

Trendy glass balustrade a bit out of character.

You can just see a bit of curtain that Suki has made in between bell ringing and cello lessons.

Lathe now back inside due to exterior deterioration.

Saturday, 11 May 2013


We are now camped out in the spare bedroom. The probem with beds spanning two levels has been resloved by cutting 8 inches off the legs at the head end. This has created more space in an otherwise small room - but quite cosy. The starry blinds on the velux windows have four moons. This is is to confuse visitors and insects.
Meanwhile, in our bedroom, two mysterious insects appear to have found each other in an ocean of white paint. Congratulations and good luck.

The ocean of white paint.

Saturday, 9 February 2013


Long time no blog.  I ended up in casualty after a long day in late September carrying in a large load of plasterboard followed by a very good meal in the local french restaurant.

Those people who have thyroid problems will understand why my bodily and building processes have came to a virtual standstill. Scary - but I am now on pills and my muscles seem to be recovering; and I have had a thorough heart check up. The outlook is much better.

At no time have I actually stopped work though there have been times when I could barely walk up the stair. I just had to plod on very slowly and the plasterboarding is now nearly complete.

It has been encouraging to have the log burning stove installed as well as the air heat pump. The heat pump is adequate on its own and burns about 400 watts which at 12.5p per kilowatt hour should come to about £100 per year. The ventilation system is now running and the sink is installed.  It's a relief that the ventilation and heating seem to be acceptably quiet. We have had friends to stay overnight.

Roy and I cut down most of the tree out the front which has greatly improved the view of the sea.

Barry is due to complete the wiring in March and thereafter it's mainly decoration. We have decided to cover the floors with pine boards, rather than laminated boards, vinyl or any other such high finishes. It's also cheaper! Thank heavens for a decision.

Sink installed in Ikea worktop - kitchen plasterboard done.

January bleak out back.

The trick is to prevent it running too hot - it seems.
Air heat pump - heating and cooling from two units.

90% of trees out the front removed. Bewick's swans in ponds.