Sunday, 20 May 2012


Oh dear. Some time has gone by. Two months. My excuse is that I have had a horrible cold. There have been some achievements though.

The hot water tank is fixed up to the solar panel and provides us with piping hot water after a mere two hours of sunshine.
All the plumbing to first fix is now done.
All the air ventilation ductwork to first fix is done.
All our stuff has been returned from store. This may be a mistake, but it saves some money.

Finally - I have got some fascia boards up. A big delay was caused by a misunderstanding between me and the timber merchant, causing me to lose my temper for the first time on this project. It appears that this state of mind is normal for the customers of this firm. But they are very likeable people - a good lesson on how to be incompetent and get away with it.

It took so long to obtain the boards that the sparrows moved in. Last week I had the miserable job of blocking up their nests, which is probably illegal. However I did look at the RSPB web site and found out that they nest from April to August and intend to pair for life and keep the same nest til death they do part. It is therefore better to take action sooner than later. Well that is what I tell myself.

I spent last weekend cyling on Exmoor listening to my friend (the one who twines to the left)misinforming me that residential property investors increase prices preventing young people from buying. As if the cycling weren't bad enough. Somerset looks like a good place to build houses - and many of them. Though I don't suppose I can justify owning two homes - not unless I let the sparrows in.

Humans may be more endangered than sparrows as the clouds form over the euro. It would be good to get the building work done before Barclays goes bust. Suki has bought some curtain material which must be the beginning of the end.

Somebody told me once - a picture is worth a thousand words.
Fred helps with fireproofing the cantilever section
kitchen area ready for damp proof membrane
stuff arrives from store

Pipedilly Circus

some plasterboard goes up.