Sunday, 3 October 2010


The Environment Agency has embarked on a wetland habitat in the field between me and the sea. The nation's earthmoving equipment formerly deployed on motorway construction has arrived to create a number of lakes. It's a Marsian invasion. No Tern has been left unstoned (as the critic opined). Very nice too, and even before the machinery has moved on the birds seem to have moved in.

Suspicion only arises when you discover that all the soil being removed is being dumped in a hole which was made five years ago to get the material for the new sea defences. So all the dirt taken from the harbour two miles in our direction is being taken back again. It's obviously a colossal blunder and the wetland scheme is a cover-up. The footnote from the Environment Agency says that the lakes will not increase the risk of flooding. Help! The Agency's flood prediction record is 80% incorrect. And why are they filling up that hole again? Confidence is running low.

Or perhaps, when there was a run on the banks and the whole economy appeared in freefall, the message went out high and low - dig holes - and many of them - and then fill them up again. Its all for the birds. Don't worry about the money - we'll just print it.

It's great fun to watch, especially when a truck sinks into the bog. But I must be humble - not all schemes go to plan, and I have only a shovel.